Get in the Game

There is much in culture today that makes a person feel engaged but doesn’t actually achieve engagement.  Engagement is being actively involved in meaningful and authentic interactions with others. It requires true interdependence.  There are far too many things in the world that, in the name of engagement, actually disconnect us from ongoing, deepening and… Continue reading Get in the Game

Inspiration Or Motivation

Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it” Charles R. Swindall If a person will succeed it requires motivation. The quality of attitude that keeps things moving forward. The personal fortitude to get out of bed in the morning put ones feet on the ground and attack the world… Continue reading Inspiration Or Motivation

Real Leaders Aren’t Petty

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the word petty is “twitter.” It seems that people of all types engage in social media with a sense of semi-anonymity, as if people don’t really know its them, and engage in back and forth with others over trivial things in a way… Continue reading Real Leaders Aren’t Petty

The Underestimated Quality of Understanding

Leadership requires understanding. Understanding seems like a given but it’s far underestimated in our fast pace, no time to think, rush to the next deal culture. We all want knowledge, and this information age we have the ability to gain knowledge about almost anything we want, and it is right at our finger tips. To… Continue reading The Underestimated Quality of Understanding

Attitude, More Caught Then Taught….3 Steps to Helping Your Team Have a winning Attitude

Good Attitude is so important.  It is not just an abstract concept or feeling.  It is a concrete action that results in major positive progress. Winston Churchill said,  “Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference” I agree, it does make a big difference, however I’m not so sure how small it is. … Continue reading Attitude, More Caught Then Taught….3 Steps to Helping Your Team Have a winning Attitude