“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.”
-Chuck Swndall
This is a true statement. Life, at times, can seem like it is happening to us, but in truth, a lot of what happens in life is our choice; at least, it is our choice as to how we will respond to it.
We really have no control over some of what life dishes out to us. However, we have total decision-making power on how we will respond. Our response is what determines most outcomes. We can choose to panic, which usually makes the situation much worse, or we can overreact, which is like adding gasoline to a campfire and setting the whole forest ablaze, or we can respond with wisdom.
We can take the time to think. Ask ourselves what the best response is in this given situation. Leadership is so important when life gets messy; the first place it happens is with ourselves. We can’t lead others if we can’t lead us. The arena of leading self is in this area of response.
There was a time in my life when I was very reactive. Didn’t take time to think. I didn’t process and apply my purpose or any intentionality to the situation, but I would quickly react to whatever negative event that would happen. The assumption that we are such great leaders and smart people that our reaction will be what is needed is ridiculous. Reaction usually never leads to a positive outcome.
However, when we take the time to step back and think about how we will respond and then implement that response with wisdom, our outcomes are almost always positive. If nothing else, it’s at least far better than a mere hasty reaction.
It’s not the situation, but whether we react negative or respond positive to the situation that is important.
Zig Ziglar
If how we respond is 90% of our lives, then as leaders, we must think, study, process, and implement plans to develop excellent responses to all aspects of life, especially crises.
When life happens, when something comes out of nowhere and everything gets messy, these are great moments of opportunity to model for those watching what real leadership looks like.
Let’s take the 10% and use it to our advantage by using the 90% with wisdom. Let’s determine to be thoughtful, wise, and decisive.