Circle of Security Series: Part Five

[header size=”1″ type=”single”]BECOME REFRESHING[/header]

Secure leaders are refreshing to those following, and their confidence makes followers feel secure in submitting to their leadership.

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Good-tempered leaders invigorate lives; they’re like spring rain and sunshine.

Proverbs 16:15 MSG

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We’ve all met those leaders who bring complication, difficulty, and demand to the table. Many of us, at times, have been that leader. The type of leader that is ill-tempered, constantly irritable, hard to get along with, hard to please, and never satisfied. This type of leader is not refreshing. They are like the hot sun. Not the “it’s a great day to get a tan sun,” but the “it’s hot, I’m parched, where is the air conditioner sun.”

The Secure Leader is confident. They don’t need coercion to lead because they use vision, encouragement, coaching, and positive confrontation. This type of leader is refreshing. They are like the fresh, cool rain that relieves us from the sweltering heat of organizational pressures and stresses from the challenges we face each day. The Secure Leader gives confidence to followers because the more refreshing you are, the more people want to follow you. If you bring answers and positive attitudes to the situation, it makes it better. No one likes to follow you anywhere if you get fear, threats, and blame for the problem.

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1. Bring solutions. – John Maxwell talks about bringing water to the fire and not gasoline. Adding to the problem is not refreshing and doesn’t solve anything. Secure Leaders turn the mountain into a molehill.

2. Don’t jump to conclusions. Always assume the best first. There could be an excellent reason for your frustration. Get the whole picture before you make any judgments.

3. Be a thermostat, not a thermometer. – Anyone can tell the temperature, but a good leader regulates it. Create your atmosphere. When you come into the room, it should change for the better. It would be best if you moved people.

4. Love what you do and the people you do it with. – Enjoy your work. No complaining or carrying around frustration. Be happy and hopeful.

5. When you have to press, make it fun and full of meaning. – Explain why you’re pressing and why it’s essential, and then find creative ways to make it fun.

[hr type= “double-line” style= “solid” height= “30” text=” yes”]GO TO CIRCLE OF SECURITY SERIES: PART SIX[/hr]