What is Your Favorite Story

I have found it to be true that excellent leaders are good storytellers. They Know how to cast vision and communicate in a way that grabs the listener and says, “Hey, pay attention; this is important!” They called it a camp meeting. I was in my early 20s, a young Pastor excited about life, ministry,… Continue reading What is Your Favorite Story

Life is 90/10

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.” -Chuck Swndall This is a true statement. Life, at times, can seem like it is happening to us, but in truth, a lot of what happens in life is our choice; at least, it is our choice as to how we… Continue reading Life is 90/10

Parent/Leader – Great Parents Lead Their Kids.

I love to discuss leadership. It is a concept that can literally cross every barrier and function in the context of all areas of life. Leadership is important and interesting. Leadership is influence. It leads people to a place of trust that allows them to help them reach for and achieve their potential. All while… Continue reading Parent/Leader – Great Parents Lead Their Kids.