Are You Growing? How Do You Know?

Leadership and growth go hand in hand.  In order for us to truly lead to new adventures and exciting opportunities we have to grow there before we can go there.  So the question is WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH PLAN?

Before discussing your plan, let’s discuss some important concepts that help your growth plan succeed.

1. Consistency:  I’m a results-oriented person. I love setting a goal and reaching it. I truly appreciate the beauty of achievement. We tend to work towards the goal if you are like me and most result-oriented people. So, the process is merely a means to an end. This thinking can create what I call growth spurt living. In other words, we grow until we get results and seek something else to chase. Consistency cures that. Consistency is critical if we want good, healthy, long-term growth. Consistency also can compound and produce far more than merely working towards a goal. If we develop our plan and do it daily, we will never worry about reaching a dream; it will happen, and our results will be far more excellent.

2  Intentionality:  Growth happens on purpose

“How far I can go depends on how far I can grow.”

~ John C. Maxwell

It’s a huge mistake to think that growth is automatic. It doesn’t just happen. Just because we are living doesn’t mean we’re growing. To learn, to develop, and to grow takes intentional action. One of the saddest things in life is when people don’t learn from their experiences. To grow from our experiences, we have to do it on purpose. I know people who have lived a long life and haven’t succeeded in 20 years, and it’s just sad to see them going through the same problems repeatedly because they refuse to get intentional about growth.

3. Personal: It sounds redundant to say personal growth is personal, but it is incredible how many people observe life but don’t participate—people who theorize but never actualize. Just because you’re watching someone else do it doesn’t mean you are. Just because you are reading about it doesn’t mean you’re living it. I was working with a group of students a few years ago, and they were taking some leadership classes I was teaching. I walked in to start typing and overheard a conversation. They were talking about a leader they were working with, and honestly, they were being extremely critical. This was a veteran and a good leader, but they were eating him for lunch. I heard comments like “What he needs to do is…”  “If he would just lead better,” etc. So I began asking them, “What have you led?” “Have you tried the theories you’re espousing?”  “What goals have you established and achieved?”  It wasn’t long before they got the point. My goal wasn’t to make them feel bad but to realize growth is personal, and you’re not doing it unless you’re doing it.


Remember, growth done right is habitual. We should create a habit of change in our lives. That’s why it’s a daily thing. Most truly excellent leaders have four or five things they do every day without fail. I learned this from John Maxwell.

These should be things that produce growth and development in our lives, things that maximize our potential. Here are mine.

1. Think:  I think in the form of projecting and reflecting. In the morning, I like to think about where I’m going. Overall vision, goals, and daily action. Then, I remember. I reflect on the day and my dreams, think about whether I’m on target, evaluate what needs to change, and take inspiration from what is working. It is incredible how many people do not turn everything off and dismiss everyone’s thinking. We can’t maximize our potential in passing; it has to be purposeful, requiring in-depth thought.

2. Read: Reading stimulates, disciplines, and develops us. It is genuinely being mentored from a distance. I focus my reading on leadership, business, and biographies. I’ve heard it said before and believe it’s true: “Leaders are readers.” I try to read a book a week.

3. Devotion:  Pray and read the yearly chronological bible plan. As a Christian and a Pastor, it is imperative for me to spend time talking to God and lay a broad and solid spiritual foundation. Reading the Bible each year and praying keeps me in tune and growing spiritually.

Four Listen and Learn:  I listen to podcasts and watch video talks. This helps you keep growing and developing instead of becoming stagnant. Communicating helps me succeed in two areas: 1. whatever the content is, and 2. communication. Listening to and watching communicators helps develop that in me.

5. Exercise:  For a leader, this can not be underestimated. It helps relieve stress. It helps us stay healthy, keeps us in the game, and gives us energy. I don’t know about you, but this is the first thing I do when I’m busy, so I’ve had to change my mindset. Everyone can take 30 minutes for a run or walk; if we at least do that a day, it will help our growth tremendously. So, if you can’t make it to the gym, do some set-ups, push-ups, yoga, or walk or run every day for a few minutes. Remember, if you are pressed for time, you can exercise while listening to a podcast.

6. Write:  I aspire to be a writer, and as a leader, coach, pastor, and speaker, writing is a massive part of all that. Writing every day is challenging, but it’s so important to do it. Don’t listen to the lie that you can only write when inspired. What I find to be accurate is that the more consistent I am with writing, the more inspired and creative I am with my writing. Remember this statement: you’re not a writer unless you are writing. Thinking about it, coming up with ideas for it, thinking about publishing, dreaming about it doesn’t make you a writer; writing makes you a writer.

Have you ever had this thought:  “If I had just kept _________, I would be so much better off today.”

What goes in the blank for you? Saving, working out, working on my nutrition plan, writing, etc.

It’s time to fill in the blank and give it some time. As consistency compounds, growth will happen, and potential will be maximized.

Remember what Maxwell said: you can’t go if you won’t grow.

By David Gadberry

As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker, I can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of John’s proven leadership methods. Working together, I will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals. I see it as my purpose in life to produce potential in people. I have had the good fortune of being an orginazational leader for over 30 years, in many different leadership capacities. I am the Lead Pastor at Summit Church a growing, life giving church in Canyon, Texas, and the Executive Director of a global leadership organization called Global Reach for Justice. I’ve also developed a program called I Heart Canyon a partnering of local churches to help the impoverished before the start of the school year. It has proven to be a truly effective form of outreach with strong results. I’ve joined the John Maxwell team because John Maxwell has been a source of leadership influence in my life for many years and it was a next natural step. This team is effective and has powerful results. It is my goal to help professionals who are specialist in their field but need coaching in leadership. My strategy is to help draw out your potential and your organizations potential to reach your goals, and experience personal and collective growth. Contact Me. I am looking forward to assisting you on your journey to becoming a successful leader.