[section full=”no” style=”default” paddingtop=”60px” paddingbottom=”60px” backgroundcolor=”” bordercolor=”” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” backgroundsize=”cover” parallax=”no” parallax_speed=”1″][image src=”https://gadberry.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/circleofsecurityslide.jpg” width=”” height=”” style=”” align=”none” title=”” alt=”” animated=”no” anim_type=”fadeIn” anim_delay=””][/section]
[section full=”no” style=”default” paddingtop=”60px” paddingbottom=”60px” backgroundcolor=”” bordercolor=”” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” backgroundsize=”auto” parallax=”yes” parallax_speed=”1″][header size=”1″ type=”single”]ABOUT THE CIRCLE OF SECURITY SERIES:[/header]Insecurity is a killer. It will rob people of their potential and steal their joy. Insecurity is really nothing more or less than fear. It is simply the lack of feeling secure. All of us in one way or another struggle with insecurity in different areas of our life. The Circle of Security will help you identify and understand insecurity, and how the downward spiral of fear can effect the people around you and the success God has designed for your future. There is a solution. The Circle of Security will help you find a way to create security and replace insecurity. This is a great resource to help you combat fear, build your confidence, and release the God given potential in your life.[/section]
[hr type=”double-line” style=”solid” height=”30″ text=”yes”]SERIES BEGINS WITH PART ONE: AN INTERESTING THOUGHT[/hr]
[section full=”no” style=”default” paddingtop=”60px” paddingbottom=”60px” backgroundcolor=”” bordercolor=”” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” backgroundsize=”auto” parallax=”yes” parallax_speed=”1″][blog limit=”-1″ order=”DESC” orderby=”date” cat=”” slug=”circle-of-security” pagination=”yes” layout_type=”grid”][/section]