The Symphonic Harmonies of Leadership

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves Sunday Night. Our Daughter Sydney sings in the chamber choir for Canyon High School, and they had the opportunity to join the West Texas A & M Choir and Orchestra for a Christmas Concert. It was phenomenal. Music is always such a powerful force, especially music written to… Continue reading The Symphonic Harmonies of Leadership

Finish Strong

While I was in Jr. High School, I ran track. I don’t remember much about it; I wasn’t particularly significant at it. But I did have an excellent coach. He was brutal but brilliant. He knew when to challenge and when to inspire. He was a good man and an outstanding coach. One thing that… Continue reading Finish Strong

The Champions Attitude

The Attitude of a Champion One thing that is clear about Champions (people who win in life) is they think differently than those who aren’t. To clarify, winning in life is not about who is the most famous, who has the most money, or who has the most awards. When I say champion or “win… Continue reading The Champions Attitude

Are You Tired of the HYPE?

Nowadays, it is the norm to hear a business pitch that goes something like this. Have you ever wanted financial independence? Are you tired of your JOB? Do you like to live like you see other people living? Do you have an extra 10 hours a week? I have an opportunity for you! If you… Continue reading Are You Tired of the HYPE?


BIG QUESTION:  Do You Trust You? It doesn’t surprise us as leaders that we must have the trust of the people who follow us to influence them. When asked what they want in a leader, most people will say something about “integrity.” They want honesty, sincerity, and authenticity. We know that leadership is influence, and… Continue reading LEADER: DO YOU TRUST YOU?